Silver moments - Silver’s (the) wound

Silver’s (the) wound
Installation. 2019
With Agnès WO

Wounds and more wounds because of the iniquity exercised by power. The wounds on people's bodies, those seen at first glance, still more than those that remain invisible and still persistent. Collective wounds, traumas
that creep into communities where they have stolen freedom, who have lost all or almost everything. Wounds, cracks, cracks that may seem epidermal, but that may penetrate the bone marrow of individual or social bodies.

And yet, the will that wounds can heal, that the moments of silver regenerate evil. (The piece is a tribute in memory of the dead to the Río de la Plata during the Argentine dictatorship between 1976 and 1983.)
Exposed in
Centre d’Art Maristany. Sant Cugat. 2019