The project

Another end. THE REMAINDER
Art and anti-Francoism
From November 17, 2022 to April 16, 2023 The Born Center of Culture and Memory, Barcelona
Nora Ancarola and Amanda Cuesta
El Born Culture and Memory Centre displays the exhibition “Another end. THE REMAINDER. Art and antifranquism” bringing together works by twenty contemporary creators from several generations who turn the memory of those silenced by the regime into artistic material. 
Another end looks between the cracks of exceptional biopolitical circumstances in terms of the governance of social life, economic and labour relations, sexual and reproductive relations, and production and transmission relations of the symbolic universe under Francoism. This project does not claim to be exhaustive or comprehensive. We want to update and open up commemorative exercises to other lines of observation – some very well developed from the perspective of historiography, and others less so – based on the works of a selection of artists who have set their gaze on places that sometimes seem irrelevant, but which nevertheless give us points of reference for what were examples of cultural resistance in a physically and morally devastated society. We aim to address the silenced yet continued existence of defiance. As expressed at the beginning of Joan Brossa’s poem Final, we share the wish: «Havies d’haver fet una altra fi» (You should have had another ending).* The selection of works in this exhibition is the anchor and the corpus constructed from everything and everyone criminalised, invisibilised and exiled, which we call THE REMAINDER. An account that lifts the carpet of Francoism and, from the dust swept under it, reweaves several potential or imaginable genealogies in a necessary exercise of reparation that every community deserves.
Another end. THE REMAINDER is far removed from the large, robust monument. It is an account based on fragilities, desires and remnants on a human scale, shunning the binarisms that superimpose one form of violence onto another without asking new questions relevant to new times. Historical memory should serve not only to stitch together our personal and collective stories, but also to situate them politically beyond the show, thereby starting to consolidate new endings.
*It seemed important to us to replace Another ending with Another end in reference to the possibility of change, of a different purpose.
Pep Agut, Alán Carrasco, Domènec, Marcelo Expósito, Dora García, Maria Amparo Gomar Vidal, Carles Guerra, Antoni Hervàs, Concha Jerez, Lola Lasurt Bachs, Marco Noris, Ndong Obama, Filiberto Obama Nsué, Ana Teresa Ortega, María Ruido, Joan Anton Serra Ollé, Jaume Serra Torelló, Francesc Torres, Guillem Viladot.
Vídeo presentation
Web of El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria de Barcelona
Exhibition design
Las Gardenias
Press dossier
Press notes
Un altre fi. LA RESTA. (2022). El Born Centre de Cultura I Memòria.

Abella, A. (2022, novembre 17). L’art dona veu als silenciats del franquisme al Born. El Periódico.

Gómez Ruiz, L. (2022, novembre 17). El arte que se inspiró en la represión franquista. La Vanguardia.

Masó, G. (2022, novembre 17). Anar tancant ferides. Núvol.

‌Sílvia Marimon Molas. (2022, novembre 18). El Born reivindica un art contra la pervivència del franquisme.

Palau, M. (2022, novembre 22). Art contra el franquisme. El Punt Avui.

Betevé. (2022, November 22). Art i antifranquisme. Plaça Tisner. Betevé.

‌Parcerisas, P. (2022, novembre 24). Els artistes escodrinyen les restes del franquisme a El Born. El Temps de Les Arts.

Padilla, M. (2022, novembre 25). Escletxes de llum i memòria contra el franquisme al Born. El País.

Time Out. (2022, novembre 28). Descubrid el arte nacido de la memoria histórica en El Born CCM. Time Out.

Minguet Batllori, J. (2022, novembre 29). L’antifranquisme al Born: memòries sobreposades. VilaWeb.

De Miguel, J. (2023, març 7). Art i resistència contra el franquisme per a un altre fi. Crític.

Pasarin, M. (2023, gener 23). El arte vuelve a luchar contra el franquismo.

Maldonado, L. (2023, març 8). Els silenciats pel franquisme, al Born. Catorze; Catorze.