Trilogy of privacy

with Marga Ximenez

At agora

The city has always been configured around a public space, the agora, the square, the forum. Gradually the meeting place was transformed, through very different stages in their point until in that location itself is not relevant. The communication and transmission of events occurs in real time and the interior and exterior are spatial concepts often vanish.
Despite the difficulties involved in addressing issues of ambiguous private sector in 2004 Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximenez decided to work from fictionalized personal experiences-where time is real and speed that is transmissible come into confrontation-, and highlight the limits of individual reality and public appearance. The inevitable technology involved as part of the elements used in the facility, while relational as means over 70 people working on the project, some of which have since its inception.
At first the intention was to work jointly, taking into account the shared spaces-the home, the workshop, the gallery (MXEspai1010) - and the conflicts that could occur.
After six years working concluded Trilogy of privacy, which consider not only open its extension in time but by the transformations that have taken place and the emergence of new ideas in every presentation made at different spaces, enrich and expand the original idea.

Exhibited at:

Presentació al Centre Arts Santa Mònica, 2010 Barcelona

Roca Umbert, Fàbrica de les Arts, 2011 Granollers

Carte d'Arte Mostre, 2012 Catània

MXEspai1010, 2012 Barcelona
Tinglado 2 del Moll de Costa, 2013 Tarragona

IEI Sala Gòtica, 2013 Lleida

Text of presentation by Silvia Muñoz d'Imbert

Press releases 1  |  Press releases 2

Catalog:   (ebook format)  |  (PDF format)
